Monday, June 3, 2013

one week!

ONE WEEK! I leave in one week...woah! Most of my SOS team is already on their way or settled in at their sites and in one week I will be on my way to Bangalore! So exciting and so nerve-racking at the same time. I'm feeling a whole mix of emotions in the midst of this past week as well as the upcoming week. Those of you who know me know that I get nervous for things and always have. Once in sixth grade I got so nervous to go back to school after Christmas break that I made myself sick. Now, this doesn't mean I'm not excited for my journey and it doesn't mean that I doubt God's plans. I am beyond excited and I know that God is bigger than any storm I face, but I still get nervous. So my major prayer requests right now are:

  • peace! That the Holy Spirit would wash over me this next week and give me peace and comfort about my journey
  • safe travels and that my passport and Visa still work! As many of you know, our house flooded and my passport was slightly damaged. I'm most nervous about my visa at this point and have gotten many different answers concerning its validity, but don't have enough time to get a new one. So please, please PRAY MY VISA IS VALID and I make it into India without any complications. 
  • preparation and unity for the three of us girls going and working together. 

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