Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 18- Matt

Can you believe it's already December 18? Personally I feel like these 18 days have flown by. I love hearing and seeing how different people are participating, and today you get to hear my good friend Matt Lange's spin on Dressember.

"My roommate Caleb and I decided to do this weird thing where we would just wear ties on top of T-shirts instead of dressing all the way up. Some days I've dressed up more, but not often. It has been pretty incredible to think of my fellow human beings in their suffering every time I notice a tight feeling around my neck. I often find myself a bit ashamed of the tie, because it looks funny on a t-shirt and because I get tired of telling people why I'm wearing it. This has been humbling, to realize that it's a stupid tie and that I am dumb enough to grow tired of talking about sex trafficking. 

My aunt and uncle work with a house in Thailand that keeps girls off of the streets at and my mom has worked for several years as a part of the Freedom Climb so I figured that Dressember was a really small way for me to join my family and friends in the fight for freedom of our trafficked sisters and brothers. 

Notice of course, I've only been talking about myself. Dressember really has been a great opportunity to talk about the people of this world, and the ways in which we treat each other like garbage. It is time this ends. God is love, and we should be too."

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