Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 7- Ally

We're one week in folks. One week, with lots to go so you'll start hearing more about some of the experiences happening throughout Dressember, and today you get to hear from Allyson Austin.

"To all the lovely folks that will read this,
It has been seven days of putting in the same black and white striped cotton dress and it has been the strangest and most beautiful of times. There is a glint of annoyance when the morning comes around and I know that I will, yet again, put the same thing on for the seventh morning in a row. BUT my minor annoyance over a dress, which truly is such a luxury, only reminds me of how called we are to fight for those who don't have the choice of what their day will hold. So, to the millions in bondage, we wear these dresses and these ties for you. For the millions enslaved we praise you tenacity and will to fight. For the millions hurting know you are loved, cherished, and special and we will not stop seeking justice on you behalf. It may just seem like a dress, but it is so much bigger than that.  Dress up this December, let's honor our brothers and sisters in slavery."

Fact: According to 'Free the Slaves' the average cost of a slave globally is $90. 

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